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Help Shape PSB’s Policies: Your Feedback Matters!

The Public Schools of Brookline (PSB) is committed to fostering a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment for every student and staff member. To ensure we meet this crucial goal, we need your input in revising several PSB’s key policies and protocols.

We are updating our:

  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
  • Student Civil Rights policies
  • Reporting protocols

By sharing your thoughts, you directly contribute to creating a more positive and inclusive school experience for everyone.

How Can You Get Involved?

We encourage all members of the PSB community—students, parents, staff, and residents—to review the draft versions of the updated policies and share your thoughts through our online survey. Your feedback will help us refine these documents and ensure they reflect our community’s values and priorities.

What Documents Can You Review?

The following documents are available for review:

  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan: This plan addresses bullying and cyberbullying by working with students, staff, families, law enforcement, and the community to prevent and respond to these issues.
  • Student Civil Rights & Bullying Incident Response Protocol: Brookline Public Schools is committed to a safe and respectful environment for all. We have policies and procedures to address bias, sexual misconduct, and bullying involving students and staff. These include Student & Employee Codes of Conduct, a Civil Rights Policy, and a Bullying Prevention Plan.
  • Student Civil Rights Policy: This policy ensures nondiscrimination and addresses bias-based and sexual misconduct. It outlines reporting/investigation procedures, protections for gender identity, parenting/expectant students, and religious accommodations, and prohibits retaliation.
  • Community Incident Reporting Form: This form provides a convenient way for community members to report incidents of concern.
  • The Civil Rights and Bullying Incident Response Documentation Form: documents incidents and tracks responses. School-based investigators should complete it regarding incidents in which a PSB student is the subject.

The online survey is open until January 31, 2025.

Take the Survey Today!