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Home » Connect
On this page, you can connect with the PTO in ways that suit your interests and needs. Stay connected and engaged with the BHS community!
Know Your Class Reps:
- Lorri Marek: lmarek@bhs-pto.org
- Sang Park: spark@bhs-pto.org
- Maggie Sawada: msawada@bhs-pto.org
- Alisa Busch: abusch@bhs-pto.org
- Amy Deutsch: adeutsch@bhs-pto.org
- Jenn Marckres: jmarckres@bhs-pto.org
- Nancy Chang: nchang@bhs-pto.org
- Jen Forry: jforry@bhs-pto.org
- Priscilla O’Reilly: poreilly@bhs-pto.org
- Suzan Chin: schin@bhs-pto.org
- Nilda Drinkwater: ndrinkwater@bhs-pto.org
- Inna Gerzon: igerzon@bhs-pto.org
- Susan Snyder: ssnyder@bhs-pto.org
Please complete this form to receive The PTO Blast and other updates from your class representatives!
Volunteering can be for an hour or two, for a full day, or by joining a committee. The time commitment is up to you!
For more information, please reach out to copresidents@bhs-pto.org or feel free to contact your class reps or committee chairs directly.