Brookline High School PTO Logo

The Unique Challenges of Sophomore Year: Parent Meeting on November 12

Sophomore year is a time of new experiences and unique challenges for students. With greater independence comes social pressures, an open campus, and increased exposure to tricky situations.

To help parents navigate these changes, the PTO and B-PEN are hosting an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 12, at 7 p.m. in the MLK Room at Brookline High School.

This event is designed to give parents insight into what their teens may be experiencing and to offer strategies for effective communication.

BHS social worker Abby Dean and licensed mental health counselor Kelly Miller will lead the discussion, addressing common concerns and providing guidance on how to support sophomores through this transitional year.

Bring your questions, share your concerns, and connect with other parents who are also navigating this journey.

This is an opportunity to gain valuable tools to foster understanding and open dialogue with your teen.

Join us on November 12 to support your sophomore’s growth and well-being.